There are a multitude of things that come to mind when I hear the name, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Man. Legacy. Powerful. Legend. Christian. Determined. Good Trouble. Sacrifice. Leadership.
Throughout my life, different aspects of who he was and what he stood for resonated with me differently as I experienced life and all that comes with it. Today, the following quote hits home in a way like never before.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
2020 was one of the greatest if not the greatest challenges of my life. Talk about a rug being pulled from right under your feet. That sense of comfort and security just ripped away…with no warning. It happens all the time to so many people from various walks of life…however 2020 felt different and it really showed me how necessary my foundation and support system is…take my advice, be sure to nurture and tend to both.
Life will come for you and at you in ways that you can never fully prepare for. Knowing who you are, what you stand for and having an open mind and heart to the possibility of growth and evolution seem to be key elements to stay to true to yourself and your principles amid challenges and controversy.
Thank you, Dr. King, for being an incredible example of leadership, determination, sacrifice and good trouble. Standing for what you believed in, staying true to yourself and finding ways to make a difference no matter what odds were against you. Your legacy will be forever cherished and honored.